Here you can find some interesting fact about Konjic.
If you are on the way to Sarajevo, or on the way from Sarajevo to Mostar, we recommend that you stop in Konjic. There are a few things you can do while here. Number one is definitely rafting on the Neretva. All information about it can be found on Google, just type: rafting Konjic or rafting Neretva. You can find a good restaurant here also, by the river Neretva with a beautiful view of the bridge, built in 1682. The old bridge in Konjic on the Neretva River is considered the point where Herzegovina joins Bosnia. One of the greatest military secrets of the former Yugoslavia is hidden here. It is a shelter in case of an atomic attack. At first it is an ordinary house that hides secret passages in its interior that lead to large interiors.
From Blagaj to Konjic you can go by car, motorbike, bus, train. If you go by bus or train, you must first find a bus that runs from Blagaj to Mostar (to the main bus station which is in the same place as the railway) and then buy a ticket for the route Mostar – Sarajevo. Blagaj is 80 kilometers away, and you need an hour’s drive and 26 minutes.