As you can see below this story can be yours, if you ever come to Bosnia and Herzegovina and chose River Camp BARA for your next trip!

The place where I’m sitting now is probably a thousand miles away from you dear reader, but story is same no matter where you are sitting or lying now. This story can be in every time in any place, and it can happen to anyone on this planet.

As you will see below this story can be yours, if you ever come to Bosnia and Herzegovina or chose camping Mostar for your next trip. In this days, when 2013 is nearly over, is time to start planing your next year’s trip. Is Bosnia and Herzegovina on your list? In following text we’ll give you more ideas and interesting information about this small country, and also I will suggest you some places to visit.


It’s good to know: If you ever come to Balkan, you have to come in Bosnia and Hercegovina, because you will feel all the Balkans in one space. You will save you money and your time, see incredible nature and you’ll taste the best traditional food, overall you’ll have helpful Balkan experience when you come home. That’s just some of the reason why camping Mostar is great choose.

The place I’m living, it’s called Blagaj, realy quiet place with natural beauty. Blagaj is only 12 km far from Mostar, 3 km far from the Mostar airport. If you are on your way from Dubrovnik going to Mostar, when you come in the village Buna just turn eastward and you are in Blagaj. Actually it’s very easy to find, because in every travel books you can read information about Blagaj with explanation how to find us, and maps of course.

Anyone who ever written about Blagaj said: Blagaj is oasis of natural beauty, that’s ideal place for relaxing your body and your soul. Most popular here is Buna river, a source by the Dervish monastery. Architecture was built around 1520, with motives Ottoman Empire and Mediterranean elements at the same time.

The next popular place here in Blagaj, is birthplace of Bosnian queen, that’s realy incredible castle on the hill above Blagaj, with a good look. If you choose: River Camp Bara BiH for your camping place you just need 8 minutes with a walk to come on source Buna, and about 20 minutes with a walk to see castle. If you come to camping mostar, and choose River Camp Bara, you can walk with other guests, or with us. It’s good to mention – Blagaj has 200 sunny days.

All this fact is true, but there are 5 very important things about Blagaj (and I mean important for you dear readers for your decision – about camping mostar), and it’s never before said.

1. Infrastucture: How to find us? How to take a bus? How to pay in shop and what about cash machine? When Post is closed can I take my money (belive me that’s usually problem here). How far is shop from the camping place? Do you have internet connection? Mostar is the biggest city in Hercegovina and it’s very easy to find no matter on which direction you are. Old bridge is the popular and most visited place in my city. River Camp Bara is located in Blagaj, it’s small place by Mostar.


For more information about camp, or for reservation call: +387 61627803 or click to see more information and picture about camp. After you come in the village Blagaj, (go to the end) 30 meters back – follow the signs and you are in River camp Bara. Internet connections, warm watter and using kitchen is free for guests in camp.

About bus: If you arrive in Mostar at the Railway station or the nearby Bus station for national/international busses, you may catch here the yellow Mostar bus to Blagaj. The local public bus from Mostar runs to Blagaj: Line no. 11 runs further than Blagaj but you can get off in Blagaj, Line no. 10 ends in Blagaj.

One ticket from Mostar to Blagaj is 2,10 KM (1.05 euro)

There are Post in Blagaj, and there you can take your money 0-24, from camp to Post it’s about 3 minutes with a walk. If you looking for shop, that’s also so near, just on the corner. When Post is closed- Yes you can take your money! In Camp you can pay in Euro, and of course in KM (Our currency). In some shops you can pay in euro, but better idea is change your money in KM.

2. About food and traditional dishes: Food is very important in daily life here in BiH, we are make dishes every day in our house, in fact cooking is lifestyle and we love it! Our Bosnian food is a combination of Turkish and Eastern European cuisine. Great things for you dear readers: in restaurants you can find really tasty and cheap food, like in our house!

Here in BiH we have many beliefs in our life one of them is about ‘guest’. You will like this! If you come in our home (and I mean in our camp, restaurant, cafe whatever) you can eat with us, and we need to host you as best we know. Why? Because in our religion the guests or ‘musafir’ is the sent by God, actually he is like holy man.


So if you choose camping mostar, and come in River Camp Bara  in morning time, you can start your day with a simple breakfast and drink a traditional bosnian coffee or homemade tea. If you are vegeterian or vegan you can be sure that you enjoy in a soft fruit that grows in the garden, (as you can see on the picture sweet fruits in our garden)

Lunch is most important, and you’ll probably have it after 2.00. You can try some dishes like:

  • sarma – meat and rice rolled in picked cabbage leaves; 
  • grah – a traditional beat stew with a meat;
  • dolma – fried bell peppers stuffed with minced meat;
  • meat under sac – a traditional way of cooking lamb, veal and vegetables;
  • čorbe – some kind of soup;
  • burek – a meat filled flaky pastry traditionally roled in a spiral and cut into sections for serving (for vegeterians there are filled with a cottage cheese and it’s called- sirnica, or with spinach it’s called – zeljanica, and with potatoes it’s called – krompirača)

Specialty for the area is the trout, and you really have to try that fish if you travelling to Mostar.

Dinner in BiH, can be some vegetable or salate. If you go out at nightlife you can by ‘ćevapčići’ and try Bosnian fast food. Although, when you come in River Camp Bara, after you decide for camping mostar, you have Bosnian grill 2 minutes with a walk from the camp place, so it’s not necessary to go at nightlife just to try grill.

Time for dessert?  Yess! First suggestion is famous ‘baklava’ juicy cake with a nuts, you can find ‘baklava’ in restaurant and it cost about 1 euro. If you like apples ‘tufhija’ is great dessert for you, also with nuts but with so different taste. Two popular cakes with cream are called ‘krempita’ and ‘šampita’ and it’s look like cheescake. I like to make ‘hurmašice’ that’s traditional Bosnian biscuit soaked in sugar syrup, old recipe from my grandmum.

Another great thing for You: We make cake in Camp Bara so often so you can buy, (we don’t make baklava so often because it’s so much calorie in one piece)

This area is famous by wines and brandies (it’s called – rakija, and it’s make in fruit flavors like plum and grape). In shops you can buy good locally – produced wines for 3 euro, and homemade brandies for 7 euro – one litre.

(More information on our Blog/news)